Anne Bauler is a master seamstress and has opened her own sewing studio where she creates custom-made clothes for women. Additionally, she shares her knowledge in numerous popular workshops and helps her customers to learn about ‘their’ colours in her very own colour analysis.

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Colour coach

You might have already been in this situation: there is a wonderful dress you see in a shop’s window and you’re thinking to yourself ‘This is it, I really need to have that dress!’. Once you’re in the shop and have tried it on you surprisingly find that the dress no longer is ‘the one’. The mustard yellow that had seemed so perfect in the window no longer seems that beautiful and you somehow feel more pale. The mustard yellow in this example can be exchanged with any other colour. Not every colour goes for every person. But which colours are yours? In an individual analysis or as a workshop with a group of friends: Anne Bauler can help you find out!

First step: Finding your Type
Second step: A complete guide to your colours
Third step: How to incorporate your colours into your wardrobe